9 ton I-Beam axle7.5 ton I-Beam axle6.5 ton I-Beam axle5.5 ton I-Beam axle5 ton I-Beam axle4.2 ton I-Beam axle3.5 ton I-Beam axle3 ton I-Beam axle2.5 ton I-Beam axle2.2 ton front axle2 ton I-Beam axle1.5 ton I-Beam axle
9 ton truck steering axle7.5 ton truck steering axle6.5 ton truck steering axle5.5 ton truck steering axle5 ton truck steering axle4 ton truck steering axle3.5 ton truck steering axle3 ton truck steering axle2 ton truck steering axle1.5 ton truck steering axle1 ton truck steering axleSteering tie-rodSteering drag linkMaintenance-free tie rodDeep drop tie-rod endsBottom r-arc u-boltBottom flat u-boltBottom half round U-boltForged flat U-bolt
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Welded structural parts of wheat harvester chassis The front axle and the frame adopt an integrated structure, and the header can adopt single cylinder or double cylinder.